As I was reading and writing Luke 24:13-35 this morning, I could not help myself but feel the joy of our Lord Jesus bubbling up from the text.

Think about this – open your Bible and read Luke 24:13-35 and as you do turn on your “cranial TV” – envision – see in your mind the place where they are – this road to Emmaus – seven miles from Jerusalem.

See people walking to and from Jerusalem – the road probably crowded with travelers.  Hear the sounds of people traveling by – animals making noises – the warm breeze on your face – but focus on two men animatedly and sadly talking about the happenings of the past days in Jerusalem.  See the tears and sadness on their faces, hear the confusion in their voices, and hear the lost hope in their hearts. They are depressed and in despair.

Then, see Jesus walking behind them unknowingly, I believe He is smiling and shaking His head as He overhears their conversation.

He comes up to these two men and asks, “What are you talking about?” Knowing very well what they were talking about, but He joined in their conversation.  They are surprised that He is not as they are. They tell Him what has happened the last few days and even about the “rumors” of His resurrection.

Then in verse twenty-five He says to them, I believe with a gleam in His eyes and a smile on His face, “O foolish ones,” shaking His head, “and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”

He goes on to open to them the Scriptures – what a conversation to have been a part of – would not our hearts burn too.  And you know the rest of the story of the “Road to Emmaus” but I can’t help this morning to grasp the joy of Jesus as He reveals Himself “fulfilled” to two of his disciples while walking down the road – lifting their hearts and finally revealing Himself to them.

And I believe Jesus would have me see the joy He had all along this journey of His!

We are approaching the season of Lent – a time that many evangelicals don’t even acknowledge – but consider this year preparing your heart for Easter by reading the accounts a little differently –

With your cranial TV turned on in HD – see – hear – smell – feel the events that are going on – live! (do this with these accounts in Matthew 26-28; Mark 14-16; Luke 22-24; John 18-21; Acts 1-2)

Even though Jesus is facing the cross – I believe there is an underlying joy in His heart for the future – Hebrews 12:2 “…who for the joy set before Him He endured the cross…” Look for the joy in Jesus even in these times and smile with Him – feel His Joy!

I hope this lifts your heart.  But to understand this – you have to SEE it – visualize it in your mind and heart and smile with Jesus – I do!

May the Lord Bless you as you – maybe for the first time – celebrate this Season of Lent starting Wednesday March 2, 2022 and for the next forty days until Easter where we can all smile and rejoice.